Home | The Heroes of Abstract Expressionism
The Heroes of Abstract Expressionism
A large portion of the art collection is about equally split between both the most prominent men and women artists of the 1950’s NY School. The list below highlights the most interesting artists of the New York School that year. It displayed selected works by both the first and second generation Abstract Expressionist artists.
Most of these artists were invited to participate in the now famous West 58th Street Stable Gallery, “Stable Annuals” of 1953-57. This invitational show highlighted the “most interesting” artists of the New York School. Abstract Expressionists, showcasing both first and second generations
Another benchmark of the collection was to acquire important works by the 15 artists who appeared in the historical “Irascibles” photo that ran in January 15, 1951 issue of Life magazine.

Important Original works by the following Abstract Expressionist artists – 1940-1970s:
William Baziotes
Norman Bluhm
Ilya Bolotowsky
James Brooks
Nicolas Carone
John Chamberlain
Herman Cherry
Willem de Kooning
Robert DeNiro, Sr.
Enrico Donati
Friedel Dzubas
Jimmy Ernst
Herbert Ferber
John Ferrin
Michael Goldberg
Robert Goodnough
Arshile Gorky
Adolph Gottlieb
Balcomb Greene
Philip Guston
Al Held
Hans Hofmann
Ellsworth Kelly
Franz Kline
Ibram Lassaw
Alfred Leslie
John Little
Conrad Marca-Relli
Robert Motherwell
Alfonso A. Ossorio
Ray Parker
Philip Pearlstein
Jackson Pollock
Richard Pousette-Dart
Ad Reinhardt
Milton Resnick
Larry Rivers
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Mark Rothko
David Smith
Theodoros Stamos
Saul Steinberg
Bradley Walker Tomlin
Cy Twombly
Jack Tworkov
Esteban Vicente
Peter Voulkos
Vclav Vytlacil